Aims & Objectives
Function as the industry body to promote and provide leadership for the development and growth of the ESG services industry and adoption of ESG practices.
Support the government and other governing bodies to develop and implement guidelines, frameworks and programs on ESG in Malaysia.
Become the knowledge base and reference centre for resources in ESG and carbon emission in Malaysia.
Facilitate sharing and exchange of knowledge of ESG and carbon emission among different stakeholders in Malaysia.
Obtain and disseminate information on ESG and carbon mitigation to members, partners, associates and the public.
Raise awareness among the public and other stakeholders on ESG and carbon emission through publishing media, social media, web pages, press releases, public speaking, public surveys and peer-to-peer exchanges.
Compile, publish, print, sell, lend, issue, or distribute papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other literary documents on ESG and carbon emission.
Function as an independent expert to validate and verify carbon mitigation targets for corporations and organizations in Malaysia.
Organize courses, training, seminars, and conferences on ESG knowledge, competency and practices.
Endorse and certify qualified courses and training on ESG knowledge, competency and practices that are conducted by recognized educational institutions and training organisations.
Provide a platform for networking nationally and internationally on ESG and carbon emission.
Support and facilitate interchange with governments, local authorities, educational institutions, scientific bodies, and industry organizations engaged in research and development on matters relating to theory and practice of ESG and carbon mitigation, and related subjects.
Form alliance or affiliation with any institution, organisation or society with similar aims and objectives to those of the institute on such terms or conditions that are in the interests of the institute.